@Mentions, Agent Only Templates, Email Improvements, Drag n Drop, KB/Template Links, and Changes to Sending Comments
As the title of this announcement might imply, there are just a few things arriving with this release of Tikit. We're excited to get into the details about all of them, so no use in waiting, let's talk features!
Let's start with one of our highest requested features, @Mentions. With @Mentions, we're giving Agents the ability to call other agents out from a comment within a ticket.

Once sent, we're letting Tikit Automations take over with a new out of box automation called @Mentions.

Within this Automation that is enabled by default, you're free to customize just like you are today how that notification is sent. By default, we'll:
- send to Teams and Email
- use the Generic Ticket Card
- let you you enable/disable the automation
- let you customize the notification in full
- let you use @Mention-ed users as properties within Automations
- leave the Message blank as Generic Ticket Card will handle all of the details

Once mentioned, Agents will receive notifications from Tikit and Teams will even distinctly color the mention as well.

Agent Only Templates
With our last release focused around KB Improvements, we introduced support for Agent only KB Articles. What's more, Agents could now retrieve knowledge just like the rest of the organization through TVA.
But what about Agent Only Templates? Forms that are linked to agent specific processes and Lifecycles? This release continues to extend Tikit Virtual Agent's capabilities providing Agents access to Templates that only will be seen by them!

- Someone needs access to a server? Azure resource?
- Add an employee to a private Team?
- Perform a one time virus scan against a computer?
Templates and Lifecycles created for by Agents, for Agents, can now be served through TVA!
Email Improvements - Minimum file size for Attachments
When it comes to working tickets generated from email, something we've seen is that signature graphics aren't technically attachments. Well. They are, but they are certainly less important file attachments when working a ticket.
If you're an agent, you might be deleting irrelevant attachments or performing some quick visual filtering to recognize the real attachment you're looking for. With our latest update to Tikit, we're giving you functionality to prevent files from being attached that do not meet a specific file size.

We've set this at 25kb for you, which should handle most scenarios. But as always, it can be tuned up, tuned down, or completely disabled by setting the value to 0. Now anytime an email is sent, each attachment's file size will be compared before attaching the file.
Knowledge Base and Template Links
When you’re talking about an issue or request with someone, you might already know the exact Template or Knowledge Article that would help them out. Rather than have them message Tikit Virtual Agent, it’d be even easier to just send them exactly what they need. That’s why “Get Link” is an option now available on Knowledge Articles and Templates!

Improved Agent Commenting experience
A small change, but a change none the less arriving with this release is how private comments are handled. Previously, the experience to leave a private comment required you to check a box and then send the comment.

But now you'll be able to do this with one less step. Now when leaving a comment, you'll have the option to Send as you always have in which case the Requester/Affected Users receive the communication. But you'll now also have the option to "Add Internal Note" which immediately makes this a private comment.

But let's not forget about Attachments, let alone Private Attachments. Because something else arriving with this update is support for dragging and dropping attachments and copying and pasting from your clipboard directly into the chat experience.

Best of all, this also carries over into other attachment experiences alongside @Mentions as well!

InTune - Device Manufacturer
And last but not least, we're also bringing in a small update to the InTune connector. Now when looking at a user's Linked Devices you'll see the Manufacturer of that device.

As always, we'll cover this and more at the next Technically Speaking happening next week. Until then!