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Test Your Knowledge Base with Chat Studio!

New Feature

Interested in experimenting with how your KB could respond to different prompts? With Chat Studio, we're giving Knowledge Agents more ways to further tune Knowledge thresholds. Let's dive in!


Chat Studio



Up until this point, tuning your Knowledge Base has always involved some back and forth between editing the Knowledge Base and testing those responses out with Tikit Virtual Agent. While recent improvements to the Knowledge Base, introduced support for KB Status, Agent Only responses, and OpenAI on Azure. There still wasn't a good way to experience everything the KB had to offer in a test environment.


Now featured alongside where you configure Knowledge Articles and Synonyms. Chat Studio gives you the ability to test out responses without having to interact with Tikit Virtual Agent. Best of all, you can control what responses are returned. Such as:

  • including Draft and In Review articles
  • including Agent only articles
  • including Azure OpenAI results
  • including the deflection score of the returned response
  • how many responses are returned to simulate multi-response
  • setting a unique scoring threshold for Chat Studio




We'll cover this and more on Technically Speaking, this Friday September 27th!




