Save and Reuse Filters with Custom Views
If you joined us for Technically Speaking a couple weeks back, then you knew this was coming. But if you didn't manage to attend, that's alright! Because today Custom Views are now live in that let you build your own views that you and members of your Team can consume. Plus, if you find yourself frequently working out of we're also making a couple improvements here as well with view persistence so that whenever you come back to, we'll put you exactly where you left things last time. Plus - more filtering options. Let's get started!
View Persistence
From the roadmap, we heard that when it comes to styling a view as you see fit and then either refreshing/navigating away from the page those changes are lost requiring you to re-style them again. With this update, these edits are now maintained regardless if you refresh or navigate away!
But maintaining your own personal look of the Tickets page is really just the beginning of things with this release. Because apart from maintaining view persistence for a single Agent we also have something that can benefit whole Teams of Agents.
Customizing Views
This one is also right from the roadmap and delivers on the ability to not just maintain view persistence, but now also offers the ability to wholly create dedicated views with filters, sorting, and the columns you want. We've got two ways to create Custom Views, so let's get started with modifying the one you see first when you arrive at by clicking on "Configure Columns"

Here you're free to add what columns you'd like to see in your view just by checking them off. You're also free to re-arrange to reorder the columns and which column (if any) you want to sort by.

Once you've clicked Apply, you'll see your new layout just for you. But what if you've done something that you think your fellow agents will benefit from?
Creating a Saved Custom View
Let's keep going with our previous example. You've ordered the columns how you want them, you've defined your sort order, you may have even filtered that view further down. In any case, once you're satisfied, click on Save View

Then, let's fill out some details about this new view of ours. Give it a Title, choose your filters, and further customize the columns if you so choose. Then click on Save.

Then, whenever you want to use this view, just select it from the dropdown. But we said there were two ways to create Custom Views. That's why you'll also notice here that there is also the option to "Add New View +" straight from this dropdown.

Clicking on "Add New View +" lets you create a new dedicated custom view from scratch. Best of all, Views provide unique URLs which means you can share them with teammates!
More Filtering Options
This update also brings with it the ability to filter on Due Date or Resolved Date. But we're delivering on another roadmap request with the ability to filter by Tags.

Plus, you can use those same filters on the board view!

We've also released several enhancements this year that have made Tikit faster and that is a change everyone should be experiencing. Our thanks to Microsoft for continuing to improve the M365 platform and those we've worked closely with enabling us to make Tikit the absolute best it can be!