
New updates and improvements to TIKIT

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Requester Improvements and Updates to Agent Preferences


This release includes updates to filters on ticket grids, agent preferences, and as always - fixes and general performance improvements for all of Tikit. Let's get into it!


Ticket Grids

This one comes right from the roadmap and it's the ability to find Requesters faster in your filters with the updated people picker now available.



And just like you'd expect, you can continue to add as many people as necessary





Agent Preferences

You might remember that sometime ago we introduced Preferences to give Agents the opportunity to personalize their Tikit theme, and up next is the ability to customize your own experience when you arrive at by choosing how much of a Request you want to see. Honorable mention goes out to the following roadmap item :)




Changes are instant and happen on a per agent basis. Which means you can always change your mind whenever you'd like.


Default - Ticket requests are displayed in full



Abbreviated - Ticket requests are condensed to fit on a single line. Hovering your mouse over the ID or Requester will reveal the full request without having to click into the ticket.




That's all for now, but we've got plenty more on the way. Happy ticketing and keep the ideas coming!