Feature Requests
Submit IdeaSend Alerts/Announcements via TVA
I think that having a way to send alerts/notices about outages or other IT related alerts via the TVA would be nice to have. It has the potential to back-fire a bit I guess if users begin replying to the alert and potentially creating tickets saying, "Thank you for the heads up".
Tyler G#Feature π2
Make it easier to find tickets that have unread updates
When viewing the list of tickets, it's hard to tell which tickets have had responses or updates since the last time the ticket was viewed. I think it would be helpful to mark the titles of tickets with unread updates in a bold font or in a slightly different color to make it easier to easily tell when a ticket has updates that need to be reviewed. Having a timestamp in the "Last Modified Date" column is another thing that would also help differentiate newly updated tickets. The idea in this post is sort of related and may help this issue as well: https://roadmap.tikit.ai/b/6vre6g0l/feature-requests/last-received-message-in-list-view
Mikel N#Enhancement π¨#Feature π2
Asset Management - Similar to Cireson Portal
We moved from the Cireson Portal, with all of the bells and whistles to Tikit during a domain consolidation project, and have to keep the Cireson portal functional for our asset management. Tracking PO#, cost, vendor, assignment, dates, etc. and tying them to Intune devices and users would allow our SCSM environment to sunset.
Justin P#Enhancement π¨#Feature π#Integrations π0
Show more than 20 tickets on the screen
We are getting hundreds of tickets a day in some cases and it would be much easier to work the tickets for a group if we could see more than 20 tickets on the screens, something like 50 would be much easier to work with.
Brandon B#Enhancement π¨#Feature π0
Ability to bulk delete Ticlets
Would be handy to be able to bulk delete ticket, say a auto reply loop happens or any other reason needed to bulk delete
Lee B4
Simple Time Tracking
I just want to be able to assign a unit of time. Like 0.5 hours spent on the ticket. This helps tracking resolution times and expectations for how long a type of ticket should need to be resolved. Thanks!
Paul H#Enhancement π¨#Feature π#Deal Breaker π6
"Stop the clock" on vendor/ user/ problem tickets
Currently we have started tracking resolution time as an average of the resolved time function on our PowerBi daily reports Is there is a way that we can βstop the clockβ when tickets are in a certain status. For our environment in particular we are looking to not have time count when they are in a Awaiting vendor, Awaiting user, or Problem status. Its not as simple as removing any tickets that are currently in that state from the average as they will still have that time when they enter the resolved state. I also realize this is difficult as it does not keep time as it more reflects time as a function X amount of time from creation date. Any ideas on how this can be achieved?
Louis G#Feature π#Integrations π8
Tikit Mobile App
I would like a full featured ticket mobile app. This would allow a wider range of devices to be used with ticket which would allow agents not to be restricted to web browser only. This would also allow for more control over push notifications and ease of more timely updates. IOS First priority.
James P#Feature π0
Allow multiple sorting on columns
Currently you can sort columns on the screens, it would be useful if we can do multiple sorting on the columns, for example, sort the assignee and the modified date.
Brandon B#Enhancement π¨#Feature π0
Allow a user to save filters
We have had users mention that they need a way to save filters (for them to view only) so they can quickly reference them later.
Brandon B#Enhancement π¨#Feature π0
Make the web portal comment box bigger
We have had complaints that the comment box on the web portal is too small to work with. It would be great if the box was larger so people can see what they are typing if it is a longer message.
Brandon B#Enhancement π¨#Feature π2
Showing Category's based on the Team
With multiple departments all using Tikit it would be good for the Category selection box to be Team relevant rather that having to look through a list of all category's
Cieran P0
Remote Support
The remote support integration with the Cireson Portal gave a quick view and access to tools without requiring technicians to connect to SCCM. While remote desktop access/viewing has been missing from Remote Support, the addition of this would push Tikit closer to a RMM tool and not just a ticket system.
Justin P#Enhancement π¨#Feature π#Integrations π0
Auto Refresh Tickets Board
Please add a feature for auto refresh on the tickets board at https://web.tikit.ai/tickets/board We use this to track all tickets and us not refreshing has caused us to miss tickets. An autorefresh would mitigate that.
Louis G#Enhancement π¨#Feature π7
Resolution Note
We provide monthly reporting to our IT Committee that includes a listing of our tickets. We require there be a resolution description in the report. Currently TIKIT does not have a field to leave a resolution. I would like for there to be a required resolution description upon closing/resolving a ticket. Sometimes tickets are closed without any notes and then we can't even refer back to old tickets to get the resolution.
Tyler G#Enhancement π¨#Feature π#Deal Breaker π8