
New updates and improvements to TIKIT

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Email Connector Improvements


While we're preparing for some updates around the end of the month, we've got a new release live for everyone that handles performance improvements, bugs, and enhancements to the email connector.


Email Connector, Conversation Management

Whether you're using one or 20 different mailboxes, when it comes to ticket creation things couldn't be simpler:

  1. Email arrives
  2. Ticket is created
  3. Employees featured in the To or CC lines of the email become Affected Users
  4. The inbox notifies you of the new ticket that was created
  5. Since the ticket Id is in the subject, replies always append to the correct ticket


But what if one of those employees decides to start the Reply Allmagedon before everyone is made aware of the new Ticket Id? And in doing so, includes your monitored inbox? Up until now, they have caused the creation of new ticket for everyone involved and new outbound emails with their own unique Ticket Id. Granted, there are workarounds. You could:

  • Delete the "duplicate" tickets
  • Merge the "duplicate" tickets
  • Tell your fellow employees to wait for the ticket to be created before replying

But these workarounds create either more work for Agents or a less than stellar experience for your fellow employees. Wouldn't it be great if Tikit's Email Connector just knew how to find the correct ticket and append the conversation to the correct ticket?




Starting today with no configuration required on your part. Tikit's Email Connector will now process email threads/conversations about an existing ticket even if that email does not have the Ticket ID in the Subject. So go ahead, converse just you would expect to in email and we'll handle the rest. 😁



That's it for now! We'll discuss this and more at Technically Speaking next Friday the 23rd.