Feature Requests

If you need to report an issue with Tikit, please email help@tikit.ai

  1. View previous tickets from requester by clicking on their name

    It would be nice to be quickly view previous tickets from a requester. Sometimes it helps to look at previous tickets to see what was done previously with a requester.

    #Enhancement 🎨


  2. Clone Templates

    We often create templates with forms that are very similar - asking thing like location, desk number etc. It would be great to have an option to clone a template so we do not need to create the form over and over again. Once the template has been cloned - it will need to be uniquely named and editable to customise.

    Clara C


  3. Ability to assign a ticket to a group instead of just a person

    In many cases, in a lifecycle there will be a group of people that need to be notified about the task instead of just one person. Adding the ability to assign to a group would be helpful.

    Brandon B
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍


  4. Related Tickets - Parent/Child

    If multiple employees are submitting tickets that are all related to the same ticket - it would be great to give help desk employees the ability to create a single Parent Ticket, then relate all of employee submitted tickets as Child Tickets. Given this functionality, you may then want to: Perform mass communication from a single Parent ticket Change how you report on tickets Control properties of all of the Child Tickets via the Parent Ticket Still allow individual communication on Child Tickets so Analysts could work with Requestors one on one Per: https://roadmap.tikit.ai/roadmap/ability-to-merge-tickets

    #Feature 👍


  5. Allow users to be notified when other users are viewing the same ticket.

    This feature would be extremely beneficial as it prevents duplicate responses to the same requester. I ran into two situations today where my co-worker and I responded to the same ticket and accidentally unassigned one another since the ticket didn't update in time. I believe if we were notified when others were viewing tickets we're working on, it would allow for stronger communication and overall better organization of our tickets.

    Roman B


  6. Allow multiple sorting on columns

    Currently you can sort columns on the screens, it would be useful if we can do multiple sorting on the columns, for example, sort the assignee and the modified date.

    Brandon B
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍


  7. Allow a user to save filters

    We have had users mention that they need a way to save filters (for them to view only) so they can quickly reference them later.

    Brandon B
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍


  8. Knowledge base silos

    I would like to see a way to separate knowledge bases. We have many sites and there are different procedure or tech at each one, and it would be cool for employees at site A to only be able to see KBs for that site.

    Mike O
    #Enhancement 🎨


  9. Add Intune Device to Ticket

    With Intune integration, if the user is the primary user on a device it will show up under linked devices. The ability to add a device as an affected item on a ticket would be helpful if a device does not have a primary user (Multi-User Device) or when a user is calling about an issue on a device where they are not the primary user. Being able to add an affected item and conduct a lookup from Intune and having the device information (Like the card that is on the linked devices page) available from the ticket would help in the above situation. It would also mitigate the number of clicks needed to find a user's device if they are the primary user.



  10. Allow End users to add affected users

    We need users to be able to add another staff to affected users. Currently this is only possible if they use email and CC other staff. We want them to be able to add the using the agent or web. There is often times when they need to be able to have multiple people on the ticket.

    Lee B


  11. Tikit Config Change Logs

    It would be great to see a change log in Tikit in the case of someone anonymously messing up the configuration and causing functionality problems. It would be much easier to undo mistakes and find out who did it.

    Mike O


  12. Copy + Paste imaged in Knowledge Base articles for reference in Tikit web portal

    It would be more efficient if we could copy and paste images into ticket replies via the Tikit online portal. I understand there is an upload image option, however you must first copy and save the image before uploading it. To view the image, the requester still needs to click on it. If the option to paste was available, it would save time for both Agent and Requester.

    Nick S


  13. Allow a custom default template

    The current default template for ticket creation within Teams is extremely limited. The only attribute a requestor can affect is the request description. We would like our employees to be able to enter things like the ticket priority and due date, and potentially other affected users. If we could edit the default request form, we could surface these options to requestors.



  14. Embolden the line on the web ui when a comment from the user has been made in the ticket. Like an unread function.

    I Use the notifications from Teams sometimes but I find myself living in the web portal from an agent perspective. It would be really nice to have a notification alert badge or something when a new comment has landed on the ticket but I have not opened it yet to see.

    John F
    #Enhancement 🎨


  15. Ability to create custom entries for the Task - Status dropdown

    Within a Task we need an option to amend the default Status list (Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Failed). As an example when a Change ticket is closed I need the implementer to mark it as successful, or implemented with issues, but this could be useful in a number of different lifecycles.

    Tony R
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍
