Feature Requests

If you need to report an issue with Tikit, please email help@tikit.ai

  1. Allow End users to add affected users

    We need users to be able to add another staff to affected users. Currently this is only possible if they use email and CC other staff. We want them to be able to add the using the agent or web. There is often times when they need to be able to have multiple people on the ticket.

    Lee B


  2. View previous tickets from requester by clicking on their name

    It would be nice to be quickly view previous tickets from a requester. Sometimes it helps to look at previous tickets to see what was done previously with a requester.

    #Enhancement 🎨


  3. Copy + Paste screenshots

    Copy + Paste screenshots in the submission and message section of a ticket to help explain issues and answers without having to save them as attachments.

    Casie H


  4. Auto Refresh Tickets Board

    Please add a feature for auto refresh on the tickets board at https://web.tikit.ai/tickets/board We use this to track all tickets and us not refreshing has caused us to miss tickets. An autorefresh would mitigate that.

    Louis G
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍


  5. Ability to bulk delete Ticlets

    Would be handy to be able to bulk delete ticket, say a auto reply loop happens or any other reason needed to bulk delete

    Lee B


  6. Toggle Ticket Assignee Anonymity to End User

    In some use cases and organizations like ours, responding agents should remain anonymous to end users. Currently replying agents' and assigned agents' names appear to the end user. We would like the option to replace the agents' names with their tech groups' names in all instances where the agent name field may appear. This could be achieved with an anonymity toggle in Tikit's settings.

    Cameron W
    #Enhancement 🎨#Deal Breaker 💔


  7. Allow a custom default template

    The current default template for ticket creation within Teams is extremely limited. The only attribute a requestor can affect is the request description. We would like our employees to be able to enter things like the ticket priority and due date, and potentially other affected users. If we could edit the default request form, we could surface these options to requestors.



  8. Integrate a Password Pusher

    It is often necessary to share some secrets (passwords, api keys etc.) with people. An easy way is to use a Password Pusher. An integrated solutions for this would be nice. For example: https://github.com/onetimesecret/onetimesecret or scrt.link

    Filip O
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍#Integrations 🔗


  9. Allow @mentions in tickets

    Allow @ mentions in tickets to notify the person mentioned

    Abby R
    #Enhancement 🎨


  10. Resolution Note

    We provide monthly reporting to our IT Committee that includes a listing of our tickets. We require there be a resolution description in the report. Currently TIKIT does not have a field to leave a resolution. I would like for there to be a required resolution description upon closing/resolving a ticket. Sometimes tickets are closed without any notes and then we can't even refer back to old tickets to get the resolution.

    Tyler G
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍#Deal Breaker 💔


  11. Ability to assign a ticket to a group instead of just a person

    In many cases, in a lifecycle there will be a group of people that need to be notified about the task instead of just one person. Adding the ability to assign to a group would be helpful.

    Brandon B
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍


  12. Related Tickets - Parent/Child

    If multiple employees are submitting tickets that are all related to the same ticket - it would be great to give help desk employees the ability to create a single Parent Ticket, then relate all of employee submitted tickets as Child Tickets. Given this functionality, you may then want to: Perform mass communication from a single Parent ticket Change how you report on tickets Control properties of all of the Child Tickets via the Parent Ticket Still allow individual communication on Child Tickets so Analysts could work with Requestors one on one Per: https://roadmap.tikit.ai/roadmap/ability-to-merge-tickets

    #Feature 👍


  13. Show more than 20 tickets on the screen

    We are getting hundreds of tickets a day in some cases and it would be much easier to work the tickets for a group if we could see more than 20 tickets on the screens, something like 50 would be much easier to work with.

    Brandon B
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍


  14. Simple Time Tracking

    I just want to be able to assign a unit of time. Like 0.5 hours spent on the ticket. This helps tracking resolution times and expectations for how long a type of ticket should need to be resolved. Thanks!

    Paul H
    #Enhancement 🎨#Feature 👍#Deal Breaker 💔


  15. Teams Meetings Integration

    I would like to be able to schedule meetings from a ticket and add a tikit tab to the meeting so that I can interact with the Ticket the meeting is about.

    James Kleinschnitz
    #Integrations 🔗
